Tuesday 24 February 2009

Champions League

As indicated earlier I traded the Champions League football tonight, concentrated on the games involving the 2 English teams from halftime onwards making £6 on the Man Utd game and another £3 on Arsenal, happy enough with that considering I'm watching the games anyway.

Traded a bit of Tennis this afternoon for a £7 profit and am currently greened up for a couple of quid on the Gael Monfils game in Mexico, even though I can't help wondering why he isn't in Dubai.

Not sure if I am going to stay up for the NBA tonight. Cleveland offer no value in the midnight tip-off and unless they make a slow start I won't be getting involved. I think there should be some value in the Lakers at 1 as there should be some profit as that turns in play.

Going out for Dinner tomorrow night so won't be able to trade tomorrow's football but should manage some Dubai tennis in the afternoon.

An Update

Been very quiet over the last week as I have been busy with some other projects, I have managed some tennis and football betting with mixed results just about keeping my head above water. The return of the NBA after the All Star break has been pleasant best result being a tenner on the Boston Phoenix game the other night.

Will be trading the over/under markets on the Champions League games tonight and will update on how I get on later.

Saturday 14 February 2009

An Improvement

Well after my disasterous Thursday night and wasted Friday afternoon I was feeling a little bit down and haven't spent to much time trading just dropped in and out a couple of times and somehow managed to make a profit of over forty quid.

Not sure what to make of this I think it may point back to my previous concerns about my concentration levels and this may indicate a need to look spending short periods of trading followed by a break away from the screen.

My new success today was Biathlon, as a former resident of Scandinavia I got to like watching this sport and watching the world championships I laid a number of racers as they dropped in price and happily watched them miss a few targets on the range. Might give this another go tomorrow as the market was reasonably liquid and the betting patterns surprising.

NBA on the All Star Break so an early night tonight.

Friday 13 February 2009

Technical disaster followed by a wasted afternoon

Last night I decided to have a go at trading the Premier League Darts. All was going well made over a fiver on the first game, and a couple of quid each on the next two games. Final game of the night Wade v King. Despite his jittery display last week fancied Wade to win this one or at least a close game.

First leg and it becomes clear that Wade is not himself, go to trade out/change horses as it were and bang can't get Betfair to work no response main wallet showing as £0.00. panic boot up my other machine take 3 attempts to get in on that by which time it is 3-0 and King looks like making it 4 and Wade is trading at 50's to King's 1.05. Major loss.

Managed to follow that up with a losing night on the basketball, don't think my head was straight and only 3 games, but it has been going well so have to take that one on the chin.

Then this afternoon decided to trade Andy Murray at the tennis. Traded the Set Betting Market was greened up for a minimum win of over a tenner when Gicquel has to withdraw-market void. Think the gods stopped smiling on me.....

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Sometimes the Gods....

...Smile Upon Me.

Looking at tonights array of internationals I was underwhelmed by the possibilities, especially as I don't like friendlies as they can prove very unpredictable with understrength sides, multiple substitutions etc.

However I decided to enter the under 2.5 goals market in the Ireland - Georgia market as this was a qualifier which I thought would be tight. Took 1.79 for £55 on under. Then Georgia go and score after 45 seconds!!!

Disaster or so I thought went straight to the market imagining a fraught time trying to recover this position to be delighted to find that the lay I'd put in at 1.72 for a couple of quid profit had been taken before kick off. Relief.

As things stand it is still 1-0 after 68 minutes and the under 2.5 is now trading at 1.3 so I would have escaped but not without expending a lot of nervous energy. No losing trades today so I think I'll take the rest of the evening off and not push my luck any further.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Sticking To What I'm Good At

OK I've been trying to take this seriously for a few weeks now and I have clearly identified some areas of strength.

Now having seen the great results some guys have achieved on horse racing I'm inclined to now wish them all the best and retreat to a large extent from that market. I'm spending 4-5 hours a day most days and not getting anywhere in fact giving money back to the market.

For me there is now a 3 prong attack which looks to be profitable - Basketball, Tennis and over/under Football markets. In the last week I've turned a £66 profit on the footie, £42 on the Basketball and only trading today £15 on the tennis.

Now these results have been achieved without putting in the sitting in front of the screen hours that I have been giving to the horses. So I'm going to see if I can make some money and put in less time by sticking to what I'm good at.

Monday 9 February 2009


Congratulations to Tony McCoy on reaching the unbelievable mark of 3000 National Hunt winners in the UK. It seems to have been a long wait with the weather over the last couple of weeks, but today wouldn't have been believed as a work of fiction.

Also made a nice profit by backing all his horses early and getting out before the off for a nice profit. pity the same can't be said for the rest of my racing trades!!!

Might just stick to Football, basketball and tennis in future.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Quiet Progress

Been taking it easy the last couple of days trading for short periods when distractions are at a minimum with some success. After the quick profit on the NBA Tuesday night I dipped in to 3 games on Wednesday backing the Lakers, Cleveland and Denver took a profit of a couple of quid on all 3 more or less as soon as the game started. The lakers went from 1.33 to getting 1.24 laid as soon as Betfair went in play which was actually a couple of minutes before the game actually started. Not sure what was going on there, possibly an over excited bot somewhere.

Also traded the Merseyside Derby last night, along with the Barcelona-Mallorca game tonight for a nice profit and with a few winning trades on the horses have made just short of £50 the last 2 days. which considering my depleted pot was down to £40 on Tuesday is a pleasing increase.

Only 3 games on the NBA tonight, none of which I really fancy, so might just have an early night or more likely sit and watch some NHL on ESPN America.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Celtics v 76ers 1st quarter profit

An update on last nights basketball, only traded for about 25 mins on the Boston Philadelphia game and greened up at a fiver on both teams, having ended up ignoring the Cleveland game as they started out at 1.18 and were trading about 1.03 after LeBron James scored 16 points in the first 8 or so minutes.

The game I did trade on did vindicate my strategy I feel. At tip off the Celtics were trading at about 1.66 after the first couple of minutes when it was clear that they weren't off to a slow start I managed to grab 1.63 quickly got out again at 1.48 and then when a Celtics spurt seemed likely went back in at 1.4 trading out, greening both sides at just over £5, at 1.26.

The Celtics won the first quarter 32-20 and were trading just under the 1.2 mark and seemed to be cruising to an easy victory. I headed off to watch the NHL game on ESPN America which was just as well as the subsequent 76ers comeback would have probably led to disaster. They pulled back to 1 point at half time led by 7 at one point and were 5 points ahead with 2 minutes to go. Boston won 100-99 with a 3 pointer as the clock run out.

Unfortunately the historic data for this market isn't on http://data.betfair.com yet but I'm fairly sure there were some wild swings in the last few minutes.

So I feel rather pleased with my early exit from this game.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Basketball Trading Taking It Slow

Been very quiet mainly as I was otherwise occupied at the weekend and with the lack of racing done little trading the last couple of days although I did make a £5 profit on the Burnley - West Brom game tonight.

I have been relatively successful trading the NBA markets recently, unfortunately due to the time difference I usually have to call it a day, or is it a night, before the late games start.

I have a few ground rules for trading these games, the most important being that I get out before half time. I do this as you can get some wild swings in a close game in the final few minutes which can really blow you out of the water if a couple of quick scores go against you.

My second strategy is to actually avoid the games with closely matched teams and stick to those with a clear favourite. I do this because even if the favourite starts slowly a profit can be made when they get going again as the market expects a comeback.

Tonights early games suggest an obvious home win for Cleveland who are 22-0 at home this season but will start trading very low and the Boston Celtics who are on a 11 game win streak at the Philadelphia 76ers which is a more attractive game so I might give that one 5 mins before jumping in.

I'll post tomorrow on how I get on.